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The Division Offline Single Player

1355d agofor a game that's coming soon there is so much we don't know and not in in a good way. Since being announced the hype has only gone down and the more they show the less interesting i become in itUBI stop showing your games 3 years before release. But do i have any doubt it will sell well?

No doubt at all. UBI will spend millions showing cool gameplay in advertisement to trick the casuals and show words from reviews like one time if the reviewer used the word amazingsince watch dogs and yearly bad games from AC UBI has dropped for me personally. 1355d agoI'm getting sick of Ubisofts recent 'social' approach in their gamesObviously this was announced back when they were doing that and they've learnt now with games like Unity that people like single player experiences but still it's annoying'or just try what works'Well there must be examples to givem it is 'your' game. It sounds like 'We didn't think about it, have fun trying to find the advantages on playing it solo.This game would have been better as a single player experience. More detail, content and features could have been worked on over the online aspect. 1355d agoYa I actually like what I have seen so far. Im hoping that it can be what I hoped destiny was going to be; a large rpg with good game play that could be coop and pvp.

The Division 2 Campaign and Endgame Can Be Played Single-Player. Share: The Division 2 won't force you to group up with friends or randoms, Ubisoft has confirmed. Much like the first game, you'll be able to fly solo and enjoy just about everything that the title has to offer without forming a squad.

I really like the idea of pvp in this game when it was talked about being a dark souls like spontaneous encounter type stuff but some people were so afraid of having to play other players they seem to have moved towards a opt in, pvp only dark zones. Doesnt seem a whole lot different than just a separate pvp game mode which is disappointing. 1356d ago'Brings NOTHING new to the table' - can you please give us and example of something new that can be brought to the table? And why does a game always needs to bring something new to be good and enjoyable?

(i personally enjoy tom clancy games from splinter cell to ghost recon and rainbow six and im sure many other do to). Call of duty, battlefield racing games sports games, they nearly dont bring anything new and are enjoyed by millions of gamers. And you know in this moment there is so much different games out there that the biggest innovation that we see are in the form of indie games, and like so many people say in this website and many others, indie game dont count. 1356d agoPretty certain the large number of them says they do the opposite of flop.

Ghost Recon and Rainbow Six do well, even if there are missteps along the way. And HAWX was a lot of fun and did well enough for a sequel(wouldn't mind a third one, myself), so I'd say that wasn't a flop, either.That aside, I agree with thedarkone: why does it HAVE to bring something new to the table, rather than just bringing something established and doing it REALLY well?Seems like too many gamers these days are too wrapped up in 'new' stuff- gameplay, etc- and don't understand that a well-polished implementation of something old can be just as fun. 1355d agoRocc-'online, open-world, rpg' right at the ending bud.It was known day 1 it was going to be an MMO, though they are not stressing the massive, its a moot point.Its online only, it runs off servers and they let this be known the very day it was announced on its FIRST DAMN REVEAL!' It's a Multiplayer co-op 'Its 'online, open-world, rpg' as their is single player to be played bud. I have no clue where you heard it was multiplayer and co-op only.andandJust like in MMO's.you can play and explore by yourself. The Dark zone is the MP area ie PVP.THE WHOLE GAME is not The Darkzone ie PVP thus.not only multiplayer and co-op.The 'media and gamers' are relaying back what they where very much told about this game the day it was announced.Once again.'

Online, open-world, rpg' it runs off servers, clearly base on its massive size, it can be played with many, or alone, you can play PVP in dark zone or go alone or don't go in the dark zone etc.To say there is nothing massive about this game ignoring its whole world runs off of servers is just humorous. 1356d ago@Flex- agreed. Its like.the whole point just flew past many heads.Are many not getting that this is a MMO RPG? It lives off of a server, its massively multiplayer online by default to its nature LMFAO!When will we stop getting MMOs? Really now folks.Never. Single player games exist for that, multiplayer games exist for other concepts.As to why someone feels they are some how losing a game due to a completely different genre all together is beyond me.Young gamers be like 'Wow bro, Street Fighter doesn't have a open world, not a RPG or a story.bud these fighting only games are really getting annoying and out of hand YOLO'.

1356d ago@EDMIX'Young gamers be like 'Wow bro, Street Fighter doesn't have a open world, not a RPG or a story.bud these fighting only games are really getting annoying and out of hand YOLO'Man.that sums up their attitudes better than I ever could. Whats next?people getting mad at racing games for not having a story mode?

I have to wonder what vids these kids were watching when the rest of us, clearly know what style of game this is! Its not like UBI havent been telling people about this games online intentions from the very beggining. This was NEVER intended to be s single player experience, so I dont see why these people are crying about it. 1356d agoIt's not being forced.

There are more games that are story focused than mp focused, heck, rise of the tomb raider has forsaken mp completely!I prefer sp myself but if all games were to just be sp then we're losing variety in our games. The devs clearly had a vision of a connected experience, nothing wrong with that at all.Obviously you don't like that vision and that's cool but to force every game to adhere to a notion that all games should have sp is wrong. Just as wrong as it is to say all games should have mp.

If it's not for you, then don't buy it. 1356d ago (Edited 1356d ago )You are missing the point completely. Where did anyone suggest that games can't have online or variety? Is where you have to be connected for even single player content, or claims that you can't play offline when you clearly can.Ubisoft do not have the greatest track record for online services. Imaging buying the game and not being able to play it?

Or the services being taken down in the future? This has nothing to do with not supporting this vision. Its about player choice ang giving people options when a game is bought.

There is no reason for content that can be played offline to have online requirements forced on to it.@Zjet below. Exactly the point. 1355d ago@Jmyers- 'or claims that you can't play offline when you clearly can.' If they set their game up to be running on servers for certain reasons, that is up to them. The game day 1 was stated that its 'online, open-world, rpg' that is up to them, they are not lying to you, fooling you, misrepresenting the game, falsely advertising etc.Don't like that?

Don't buy it.Forcing online? You didn't play the whole thing so you don't really know how deep the online component is to the game.Can it be offline and a single player only game? 1356d agoI get that, but there is no single player content in this game at all. It's an mmo game.

You can play solo if you like but it's an mmo game none the less. It's exactly like final fantasy 14 or wow just without the swords.

Is the division single player offline

So why complain about a game that's an mp only game for being online all the time??If you were talking about a game like halo where we couldn't play the campaign without being online then I'd be right there with you, but that's not what the topic is about.You have a choice.you can choose to not play it if you don't like the model.Like I said, it's an mmo, simple as that. Complaining about an mmo being online is just silly. 1355d ago (Edited 1355d ago )I'm not sure if it's playable offline, because it involves PVP open world. That suggests that it isn't.I think it's important to have many different types of games and there are so many to choose from these days. I wouldn't say we are being 'forced' to play online. There just happens to be a very large number of people who do like to play online and interact with other gamers in an online social atmosphere.

For those that don't like online games you can choose from literally hundreds of offline games. 1356d ago (Edited 1356d ago )Except for the fact you have to be connected online to play.even single player.Give me the option to play offline Ubisoft and i will buy this game just like did every Ghost Recon, Rainbow Six, Splinter Cell, End War and all your other games that are offline friendly.It's not about internet access, nor a subscription its about preserving games to be played for eras.I can play my Splinter cell Chaos Theory on my original Xbox or the HD collection whenever i want. And for years to come.As soon as those servers go down or the servers get shut down for Xbox live/PSN to make room for the next generation, my game as well as any future potential fun with my game is rendered useless.Make an offline mode Ubisoft.

This is the same reason i never purchased Destiny. 1356d agoi was talking about games in general. The trend is happening whether you like it or not. Just cause you think different doesn't mean it's not happening.

The Division Offline Single Player Campaign

This is the route they want us to go down. If it was up to the pubs they'd have us playing mobile type games where your constantly buying stuff just to play the game. Thats why you get Forbes and the like telling us console gaming is dead. They want to slowly get us used to it so it's second nature.

If you can't see that then go play on your iphone. 1356d ago'Thanks to all these greedy pubs who want us connected all of the time'Is it happening because publishers want it. Or consumers want it?

If no one wanted it, no one would buy it, and then no one would make it. So either people want it, or they are so freaking incapable of self control that they buy products they hate. If that's the case there are a lot bigger problems than gaming to worry about.' Just cause you think different doesn't mean it's not happening.' Couldn't the same be said for, just because you think different doesn't mean it IS happening?' If you can't see that then go play on your iphone.' Since when is playing on a mobile phone a bad thing?

Is The Division Single Player Offline

That is a nice tiny computer running in the palm of my hands. I would rather have games on it than not. Not to mention not every game running on a mobile phone is some huge conspiracy to suck every penny from someone. Also I have emulators that allow me to take all those awesome SP experiences from past console generations (The ones you claim we are moving away from) with me WHEREVER I go. Yeah that sounds terrible.Online play was a great evolution in gaming. It has kept me in touch with people I would never really speak to again but we can come together from anywhere we have a connection and play some games, I have also met people I would have never met and created friendships that would have never happened if it were not for online play. Yeah thats the worst thing EVER!Always online is offering benefits in this game that may or may not be worth it but you know what.

At least they are trying. If it works then obviously the market has spoken and likes it. And it it fails than maybe they will try something else. But the whole concept of not having a loading screen, lobbies, and seamlessly run in and out of EVP/PVP experiences on a console is not something I'm going to hate on.In this day and age where making a game has become easier than ever you are still worried about big publishers pushing people around.

The Division Offline Single Player

They push sheep, who buy into everything, since it appears you aren't a sheep than why are you worried? There will always be die hard SP experiences even if they come from indie developers.Things change and grow, this is one of those things, and quiet frankly no one is forcing you to change or grow with it. And if you think there is a HUGE undeserving of SP experiences that the market is crying for might I suggest downloading any of the FREE game engines and start making buckets of money yourself. Otherwise realize you are now in the minority and although it sucks because you don't get as many games as you would like doesn't mean that its not how life and business work. 1355d ago (Edited 1355d ago )Why are so many people in this thread scared of games going away from single player? Online games are not a trend they have been being made for decades along side more than enough offline single player games. The only trend I am seeing is the one where people are afraid of online games suddenly.As long as there is a story to tell people will be able to play single player offline games.

Games have stories and plenty of creative people who want to tell them. Some games have no online. Some have no single player. Some have both. It's nice to have options.